Subheadings should be numbered. Introduction, results and literature are not numbered.
In the first line after the main title, "scientific degree, name, surname" should be written on the right, and the names of co-authors should be written on a separate line. Job information and e-mail addresses will be provided in footnotes (Footnotes: Times New Roman, 10 font). UOT (JEL) codes are shown on the left side under the keywords - Italian, 10 fonts
Reference method
Brackets in the text (surname, year: page number). When referring to sources with more than two
authors, the expression "and others" should be given along with the surname of the first author. In
reference to Internet sources, not all address lines are enclosed in parentheses, if the author is
not known, the name of the institution used is written, the Internet address line is indicated in
the literature.
1. The Trade Union takes measures against those guilty of violating the right of workers to work and
rest in accordance with the law within its powers (Mehbaliyev, 2012: 15).
Interaction of management processes with governing bodies requires a systematic approach to these
processes (Mahmudov et al., 2012: 175)
Pictures, maps, tables and diagrams
The pictures, maps, tables and diagrams used in the article should be presented in the text, and
each picture, map, table and diagram should be numbered. Times New Roman should be written in 10
At the end, the literature used is arranged and numbered in alphabetical order.