Rules for compiling conference articles

  • Articles for the conference are accepted in full text in Azerbaijani, Turkish and English. Articles must be prepared in Word format (doc.) and a 3000 - 4000 word in accordance with the rules below. Additions such as tables, graphs, figures and diagrams are also included in the number of pages. Reports should be sent to this e-mail: [email protected]
  • The title of the article should be no more than 8 words, and the title of the article should be given in English before the English summary. The summary should be between 150-200 words and should be written in both the language in which the article is written and in English. After the summary, 5 keywords should be written in the language of the article and in English.
Page layout
  • Page margins: Left: 2.5 cm Right: 2 cm Top: 2.5 cm Bottom: 2 cm
  • Paragraph: 1.00 cm
  • Line spacing: 1,0 pn
Font type and size>
  • Main title:Times New Roman, 11 font, bold, ALL IN CAPITAL LETTERS
  • English title:Times New Roman, 10 font, bold, Capital Letters
  • Subheadings:Times New Roman, 11 font, bold, Capital Letters
  • Literature title:Times New Roman, 11 font, qalın, HALL CAPITAL LETTERS
  • Summary titles:Times New Roman, 10 font, bold
  • Summary texts:Times New Roman, 10 font
  • Keywords:Times New Roman, 10 font italic
  • Main text:Times New Roman, 11 font
  • Table, graphics, etc.:Times New Roman, 10 font
  • References:Times New Roman, 11 font

Subheadings should be numbered. Introduction, results and literature are not numbered.

In the first line after the main title, "scientific degree, name, surname" should be written on the right, and the names of co-authors should be written on a separate line. Job information and e-mail addresses will be provided in footnotes (Footnotes: Times New Roman, 10 font). UOT (JEL) codes are shown on the left side under the keywords - Italian, 10 fonts

Reference method Brackets in the text (surname, year: page number). When referring to sources with more than two authors, the expression "and others" should be given along with the surname of the first author. In reference to Internet sources, not all address lines are enclosed in parentheses, if the author is not known, the name of the institution used is written, the Internet address line is indicated in the literature.
Example: 1. The Trade Union takes measures against those guilty of violating the right of workers to work and rest in accordance with the law within its powers (Mehbaliyev, 2012: 15). Interaction of management processes with governing bodies requires a systematic approach to these processes (Mahmudov et al., 2012: 175)
Pictures, maps, tables and diagrams The pictures, maps, tables and diagrams used in the article should be presented in the text, and each picture, map, table and diagram should be numbered. Times New Roman should be written in 10 fonts.


At the end, the literature used is arranged and numbered in alphabetical order.

  1. Azərbaycanın statistik göstəriciləri. Azərbaycan Respublikası Dövlət Statistika Komitəsi, Bakı: 9 №-li kiçik müəssisə, 2013.
  2. Hacıyev Ş.H., Bayramov Ə.İ. Dünya iqtisadiyyatının tarixi. Bakı: İqtisad Universiteti, 2011.
  3. Huntington, Samuel P, Joan M. Nelson. No easy choice: political participation in developing countries, Harvard University Press, 1976.
  4. 4. Nuriyev Ə.X. Azərbaycanın müasir sosial-iqtisadi inkişaf strategiyası: formalaşdırılması və reallaşdırılmasının konseptual əsasları / Azərbaycan regionlarının sosial-iqtisadi inkişafi: problemlər, inkişaf meylləri mövzusunda respublika elmi - praktiki konfransın materialları. Bakı: Avropa, 2011, s. 13-18.
  5. Tokvil Alexis. Amerikada demokrasi, Türk Siyasi İlimler Derneği Yaymları, İstanbul, 1962.
  6. Azərbaycan İqtisadiyyatı: Murad Qurbanov =>